What flowers produce the largest quantities of nectar? Flowers rich in nectar provide food for pollinators, such as honeybees, bumble bees, moths and butterflies. Since
Many wild flowers have powerful medicinal properties. For thousands of years they have been used successfully not just to increase wellbeing, but to treat most
One of the most enjoyable ways to make one’s garden more nature-friendly is to grow wild flowers that support bees and butterflies. Such flowers can
If you would like to rewild your garden or simply make it more nature friendly, you may decide to grow some wild flowers. But which
Les Crowder and Heather Harrell, Top-Bar Beekeeping: Organic Practices for Honeybee Health (Vermont: Chelsea Green Publishing, 2012) is the best and the most detailed introduction
Rewilding is a relatively new concept of conservation and land management. It is also increasingly seen as one of the principles of sustainable living. But